Greenies. It’s hard to imagine life without greenies. I keep my teeth clean, and my breath refreshed. Of course, I can’t smell my own breath. But in 1750, if it smells like Richard’s… Well, I won’t go there. We all get used to our lives in today’s world – whenever today is. For example , in 2210, dogs find it difficult to believe there was a time they couldn’t feed themselves or read. I can read a little. Now I expect you may think I exaggerate, but keep in mind, you’re the one who is listening to a dog talk.
Colonial Duchess.
Dear Duchess,
We will be dropping off our brand new bag (minus one) to you in the next couple of days. I really really love them but my humans do not like the aftermath of when I eat one. I think they clean out more than just my teeth – but they have explained to me that is not really the intent. Please think of me every time you eat one 🙂 .
Love, Harper
I think dogs already can read……human minds, at least.
Pioneer woman
What a great name. CD
Good Day Duchess
From A I to Greenies in the last few days. You sure do cover the bases. Hard to beat a lazy man’s toothbrush and a voyeur’s view of life as it was or is to be. I sure hope that the canine world is more measured and stable than the world that spins on the other end of your leash and I am not referencing your Airstream soulmate. Take care to keep all four on the ground and your eyes on the “ball”!
Best, Jeff