….Did you know in 1750 Dogs did not have …….


Greenies. It’s hard to imagine life without greenies. I keep my teeth clean, and my breath refreshed. Of course, I can’t smell my own breath. But in 1750, if it smells like Richard’s… Well, I won’t go there. We all get used to our lives in today’s world – whenever today is. For example , in 2210, dogs find it difficult to believe there was a time they couldn’t feed themselves or read. I can read a little. Now I expect you may think I exaggerate, but keep in mind, you’re the one who is listening to a dog talk. 

Colonial Duchess. 

4 thoughts on “….Did you know in 1750 Dogs did not have …….”

  1. Dear Duchess,

    We will be dropping off our brand new bag (minus one) to you in the next couple of days. I really really love them but my humans do not like the aftermath of when I eat one. I think they clean out more than just my teeth – but they have explained to me that is not really the intent. Please think of me every time you eat one 🙂 .

    Love, Harper

  2. Good Day Duchess
    From A I to Greenies in the last few days. You sure do cover the bases. Hard to beat a lazy man’s toothbrush and a voyeur’s view of life as it was or is to be. I sure hope that the canine world is more measured and stable than the world that spins on the other end of your leash and I am not referencing your Airstream soulmate. Take care to keep all four on the ground and your eyes on the “ball”!
    Best, Jeff

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