I find it really interesting that humans have self images and many of them seem completely out to lunch. Have you ever met Indiana? Now that he’s had a taste of the open road and “traveling“, he wants to get an Airstream. Can you believe it? An Airstream! He says that he’s not going to pull it himself -he says that he’ll locate it in two or three places and have it professionally moved. But an RV is “camping“- and Indiana doesn’t camp. Let me rephrase that, Indiana has never camped. In 1760, Indiana’s style of “camping” was having to share the same Necessary.
Having visited Richard’s current abodes, I am a little surprised at his sudden veer towards camping. He seems quite comfortable with what one would label
modern day conveniences but then again the wide open spaces of Wyoming may have rendered him helpless in the face of new frontiers! (Maybe too much beef jerky!)
Ah well, even though it seems out of the box for Richard, man of many comforts, I think the new plan sounds like fun and I can’t wait to have a sleep over. I mean the Airstream will have to park in the Close for a while won’t it? I hope so! Think of the sensation it will cause. Like a spaceship landing or sumpin’…….
Keep us posted on the Airstream adventure! Fascinating!
I think it is a great idea. Now the neighbors can do road trips. New adventures.
Gray Fox
I think Indians should buy a Porsche
Good luck, Duchess, in trying to talk him out of it!
Love the idea!!!! There’s lots more of this country to explore.