…..In 1750 our horse knew the way home. It was not unusual for me to find myself alone in the carriage comfortable that Duke….. (as you can imagine Richard did not spend a great deal of time naming us)…..would not get lost in his travels.
Who would have thought, nearly 300 years later, with self driving cars things would still be the same. I need only say…. “Siri home”,…..stick my head out the window, and enjoy the breeze.
Colonial Duchess
Duchess, you are too too much! What a life you live due to Richard/ Jethro. Mac misses you so come for a visit soon!
Hi Duchess – You pop up everywhere! Love the car, how lucky can you get? Richard takes such good care of you. You are having so much fun, Carmie
Duchess………..BEWARE of SIRI! Just as you get lulled into believing that she is faultless she will become burdened by crossed signals and you might find yourself in a fox lair just as the newer self driving cars may sometimes climb a tree or drive into vs to one’s home. Never leave home without your flashlight and your raincoat & beware of wooden nickels!
Happy Trails,
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