Williamsburg is actually a very small place. But it will take you a while to get to know everyone, so we will start slowly. This is Candace. She’s really a nice lady. She is a seamstress in Williamsburg and is very kind. Candace cheats on her husband, Ralph, who travels a lot, and when you travel on a horse it takes a very long time. Candace knows that I have seen it all. She’s not very concerned, because she knows I can’t talk. On the other hand, she doesn’t know I have a blog because it’s 1760. I don’t think she has much to worry about.
Everyone tells me the time difference is confusing, and I will explain all of it to you over the next few days. Time travel is not all that special, once you get used to it. Richard never gets used to it. Of course, Richard gets confused easily.
Colonial Duchess