Since Richard doesn’t talk about these things…



And as immodest as it may be, I find that I must share my accomplishments, so that people just don’t think that I lay around and bask in the sun.

Over the generations, I have become quite an accomplished tennis player. Decades of practice will allow one to do that, even a canine. For example, in 2023 your assistant tennis pro at the colonial Williamsburg courts will give me a treat each time I beat her. As you can see here, she gives me a lot of treats, and she has a very good tennis player. I just happen to be better. After all dogs have been taught to fetch a ball since time began. Tossing the ball over the net is a bit more difficult. I have learned the jump and drop which gets them every time.

Richard doesn’t play tennis. HE’s not much of a jock.


6 thoughts on “Since Richard doesn’t talk about these things…”

  1. Evelyn Freeman

    Already, the world has too many jocks. Let’s be glad Richard isn’t one of them.
    We need more intelligent, bright and creative types. Richard is one of them.

  2. Duchess,

    I agree with your reader Evelyn. She sounds quite thoughtful, intelligent and friendly. Since you and I along with Mac, Duke and Daisy, Maise, and now Bert and Gertie have those same intellectual qualities is EF one of us? She may just be an above average human but then one never knows when seeing readers here if they are human or canine.



  3. Duchess you are a very special dog… a dog of many talents! You should be kinder to Richard ! Carmie and Lulu

  4. I agree with Evelyn. I find Richard interesting to be around; intelligent but doesn’t take himself too seriously. Who else would take on the such diverse identities as master photographer, Indiana Richard, Jethro and I would add Thoreau living in his Airstream at his own “Walden’s Pond?

  5. Duchess………..indeed a “Service Dog” with an ACE or two stowed in her Thunder Vest! She sure seems to have the Lady of the Court under her paws! Game, set and match!!

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